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"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom" - Aristotle


Holistic Counselling & Transformation

People innately seek balance and a true state of being.

The purpose of our life’s challenges is to help us uncover who we really are. This uncovering may present as a crisis or challenging transition in life, or simply a frustration with outgrown patterns of behaviour.


Challenges and triggers are seen as negative and something we need to reject or hide. Yet embracing them, and learning from them, is the way to create more awareness, connection, intimacy and a life of value and meaning.


Are you yearning to engage with life in a more meaningful and authentic way?


Holistic Counselling is a  deeply supportive therapy that is tailored to the individual’s needs. This work empowers people to gain self-awareness, perspective, and the skills necessary for a healthy, balanced and connected life.


From this solid and balanced place within, you will have the capacity to curate aliveness, joy, meaning, creativity, and deep sustaining intimacy.


A combination of three effective methods are used to create this Holistic Counselling approach. Integrating all aspects of your Being on a mental, emotional, physical, somatic, energetic and spiritual level.

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Transform the quality of your professional life with Inner Leadership Coaching

These private coaching sessions help you to understand the human condition and develop the deeper skills needed to navigate your inner world. Helping you to understand why we behave the way we do, based on our development and deeper wounding. They help you to transform and develop the inner skills to approach your work and professional relationships with more dignity, awareness, wisdom and peace of mind.

About Emanuela

Emanuela uses a comprehensive synthesis of holistic counselling, teaching and embodied (somatic) approaches to facilitate transformation. Safely assisting people to identify, work with, and regulate disturbances, including intimacy blocks. Re- establishing trust in the wisdom of the body, the power of emotions, in life itself, and access to a natural state of balance.

Emanuela is an empathic, compassionate and incredibly skilled practitioner who is dedicated to supporting others to find and discover their empowered, authentic selves. She lives by example and is dedicated to practicing what she teaches, bringing grace and power to her work. She is kind yet firm, intuitive and practical, sensitive and real. I highly recommend her for anyone who is wishing to discover the power within themselves and to bring greater meaning to their lives.


Andrew Mournehis, Transpersonal Counsellor and Transpersonal Teacher

Is Holistic Counselling for you?

Is something in your life not working?


Are you missing flow in any of the main areas of your life?

  • Relationships

  • Body image or sexuality

  • Health

  • Career or purpose

  • Meaning

You are very welcome to get in touch for questions or to book a counselling session with me in person or online.


Click Booking contact above

  • Facebook - Grey Circle


Suite 3, Level 1, 147-149 Cecil Street

South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205 Australia

Located on Boonwurrung Country, 

we give much respect to the First Nations People of this land and their Elders, past, present and emerging.

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Member of Australian Counselling Association

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